Warehousing & Logistics Academy
Certified Logistics Technician
“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”
- Booker T Washington
Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) (MUST HAVE CLA TO TAKE CLT TRAINING)
CLT is a nationally portable, industry-led program that prepares individuals for front-line
material handling and supply chain logistics jobs in fulfillment centers, warehouses,
distribution centers, and factories.
TMWG Classes
30 -35 hour- 5-day training via Zoom and online CLT Portal, which includes online and
interactive class instruction, self-paced online books, training, and videos. Each student
placed in a cohort will have an interactive class orientation, daily classroom teaching
instruction time, and teacher access if there are issues or questions via instructor classroom
For more information, please contact us.